New class on the Gospel of John by Dr. Clark Peddicord from January 16 to May 1, 2025 at the Biblical Study Center in Boise. Idaho.
Want a preview? Have a look at Clark’s 16 weeks teaching on the Gospel of John via the Calvary Chapel Boise YouTube channel from 2022. Make sure to start with Session 1 ! Check out the additional study material in our resource section.
Philosophia in transation In December 2024, Ann & Clark Peddicord turned from being “house parents” to “house grandparents”, shifting their primary place of residence to Boise, Idaho. They will continue to serve in Haus Nazareth for shorter stays and will now dedicate themselves even more intensively to the transatlantic bridge with their sister association “Philosophia Europa”. After intensive discussions and prayers, the International Baptist Church (IBC) Berlin has rented the ministry’s apartment in HausNazareth from January 1st. We pray that God will bless and guide the intended synergies between “Philosophia” and the IBC through Pastor Brian Kirby and his wife Denise.
“HausN” network meeting in October 2024. On October 18-19, former and current student residents of Haus Nazareth came together in Berlin. The gathering started with a relaxed evening of getting to know each other. On Saturday, after a devotional, participants shared past experiences and also ideas for the future. The highlight was a gala dinner with worship, soups, salads and desserts prepared together in the beautifully decorated “Volksküche” (peope’s / communual kitchen) of Haus Nazareth.
For more news visit our archive
Philosophia International is a community of Christians from several nations who are committed to helping open new and creative paths to living faith for people from all cultures.
“Transatlantic/Transnational Bridges” between nations have weakened and deteriorated so much over the past few years. Our ministry teams on both sides of the Atlantic (check out our German sister association, Philosophia Europa here) continue to praying about next steps how to (re)build bridges.