Dr. Clark and Ann Peddicord
After graduating with degrees from the University of Idaho in Biological Science (Clark) and Education (Ann), the newlyweds went with “Campus Crusade for Christ” (now known as “Cru”) for a three year mission to England. Returning then to the U.S., they studied theology in Chicago for four years and then returned to Europe (after a one year teaching assignment with Cru in Asia and Africa). They came to Germany in the summer of 1975 and began language study in Freiburg (Breisgau); they went on several years later to lead the “Campus für Christus” work in Germany for seven years.
Following that, Clark spent 5 years working with graduate theology students at Marburg University. In 1991, they joined an ecumenical community for ten years, where their two daughters, Seanne and Charissa, spent most of their childhood. During that time, while working in the leadership board of the community, Clark completed his doctorate at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. The topic was “Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Miracles” (in German) in the boundary area between philosophy of science and philosophy of religion.
Since 2006, they have been working with Haus Nazareth in Berlin. Their two married daughters and grandchildren live in the U.S.A.
Board of Philosophia International
Dr. Clark Peddicord, President
Pastor Tucker Maile, Treasurer
Tim Gordon, Secretary
Tom Velasco, Officer
Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Adjunct board member from Philosophia Europa (sister association in Berlin, Germany)